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Climate Change and Megacities: A Dialogue Session

Jakarta harbor

Jakarta harbor. The fastest sinking city in the world. (Source: Getty Images, from BBC).

By Dr. Michael Thomas

As the Center for Climate and Security’s Senior Fellow for the Indo-Pacific, I recently participated in a three-day conference hosted by the Hollings Center for International Dialogue that delved into the challenges and opportunities of the world’s megacities. Held in Jakarta, one of the largest megacities in the world, the conference brought together over 20 experts from around the globe to explore key thematic issues of sustainability, climate and energy resiliency, the food-water nexus, social and governance issues, as well as concepts of rejuvenation and heritage preservation. (more…)

New Briefer: Coastal Megacities vs. the Sea

lagos_nigeria_6352734402BRIEFER: Coastal Megacities vs. the Sea: Climate and Security in Urban Spaces
Janani Vivekananda (adelphi) & Neil Bhatiya (The Center for Climate and Security)

Cities are on the sharp end of a range of risks from criminal violence, terrorism and war to demographic pressures, to climate and environmental change. Coastal megacities are especially at risk given the specific impacts of climate change they face, including accelerated global sea-level rise, increased storm frequency and severity, and destruction to critical infrastructure such as port facilities, rail and road linkages, and energy installations, all of which are amplified as urban populations become ever larger. All these risks can lead to the loss of livelihoods as well as significant loss of life itself. Furthermore, the interaction of these risks could exceed the existing coping capacity of communities and governments and contribute to an increase in insecurity and possibly violent conflict. Read more.