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Weekly Wisdom: Yogi Berra on the Future

Yogi_Berra_1956Yogi Berra, the famously philosophical former American baseball player, once noted that: “The future ain’t what it used to be.”

And he was right. Our present is the future Berra was talking about, and in terms of the climate, it “ain’t what it used to be” for at least one million years. NASA scientist Dr. Charles Miller highlighted the unprecedented levels of CO2 emissions now in the atmosphere, which have been at and above 400ppm for the last several months – levels that humanity has never experienced before. (more…)

A Number for Your National Security Risk Assessments: 400

Mauna_Loa_Carbon_Dioxide-enThe Keeling Curve, a graph which shows how much carbon dioxide is in the atmosphere, indicates that the amount will exceed 400 parts per million (ppm) of CO2 very soon. The number, by itself, is not significantly different from 399ppm, which is where we are now, or 401ppm, where we will be soon enough. However, in context, it is a very important number. And it is important not just for climatologists, but also for those concerned with national and global security. (more…)