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Tag Archives: Biden

Implementing the Biden Administration’s Climate Executive Order – The White House Report on Climate Change and Migration

By Brigitte Hugh

In October, the Biden Administration released several climate security reports in accordance with the Executive Orders on Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad and Planning for the Impact of Climate Change on Migration. We are publishing a series of blog posts examining each report in depth. Previously we have looked at the Defense Climate Risk Analysis and The DHS Strategic Framework For Addressing Climate Change. 

In October of this year, the Biden Administration released the White House Report on Climate Change and Migration. As a first-of-its kind report by the White House, the document does a thorough job of assessing the linkages between climate change and migration, and making preliminary recommendations for how to begin addressing them. It is a positive step forward in fulfilling the second pillar of our 2019 Climate Security Plan for America: Assess the Risks, though more must be done to get ahead of the issue.


The Biden Administration’s Whole of Government Approach to Climate Security

President Biden at the Leaders Summit on Climate – 22 April 2021

By Joon Hwang

“Climate change is an increasingly destabilizing force—an accelerating destabilization force—and it’s impacting our operational environment, it’s creating new missions, and our allies and partners are going to be called to respond to these increased demands,” said Brigadier General Rebecca Sonkiss, Deputy Director for Counter Threats and International Cooperation at the Joint Staff (J5), at a recent event hosted by the Wilson Center and the Center for Climate and Security. At the event, senior U.S. Government officials reflected on the significance of the Biden administration’s new climate security reports and how climate security is being prioritized and coordinated across defense and development, providing insight into the administration’s whole-of-government approach.


From Analysis to Action: Two Events on Climate Security Next Steps

“The science is clear: We have only a brief window to raise our ambition and rise to meet the threat of climate change,” U.S. President Joe Biden at the COP in Glasgow. – November 1, 2021

In the wake of the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of Parties (COP26) and the Biden Administration’s release of a suite of climate security documents, the Center for Climate and Security is hosting two virtual events to put the latest developments in context. Both sessions will tackle how the US government can move from analysis to action on climate security. We hope you can join us for these important discussions.

12 November – Climate Security After the COP: Next Steps for the United States

This joint event held by the Center for Climate and Security with the Wilson Center will feature senior US government officials from the Department of Defense, National Security Council and USAID responsible for implementing the Biden Administration’s “whole of government” response to climate security. 

12 November 2021 

9:30-11:00 AM EST

RSVP and speaker details here.

17 November — From Analysis to Action: Integrating Climate Security into the National Security and National Defense Strategies

This discussion will feature experts from the Council on Strategic Risks’s Center for Climate and Security and Converging Risks Lab, and the US Institute of Peace discussing the integration of climate security considerations into the U.S. National Security Strategy and National Defense Strategy. 

Questions for discussion include: Why is mainstreaming climate change analysis across security and peacebuilding strategies so important? What opportunities are afforded by bringing a “climate lens” to national security? How can the findings of the newest reports released by the Biden Administration help move this important work forward?

17 November 2021

1:30-3:00 PM EST

RSVP and speaker details here.

Implementing the Biden Administration’s Climate Executive Order – The DHS Strategic Framework For Addressing Climate Change

President Biden at the Leaders Summit on Climate – 22 April 2021

Last week, the Biden Administration released several climate security reports in accordance with the Executive Orders on Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad and Planning for the Impact of Climate Change on Migration. We are publishing a series of blog posts examining each report in depth. Previously we looked at the Defense Climate Risk Analysis

On November 17, 2021, the Center for Climate and Security will hold a virtual seminar discussing these reports and where the Biden Administration goes next. RSVP for this session, Analysis to Action: Advancing Climate Security in the Biden Administration here.

The DHS Strategic Framework for Addressing Climate Change – Key Takeaways

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) was created nearly 20 years ago in the wake of the 9/11 terrorist attacks to, as President Bush said at the time, “defend the United States and protect our citizens against the dangers of a new era.” With the release of the DHS Strategic Framework for Addressing Climate Change last week, the Department acknowledges the United States is once again facing new dangers, now from the security threats posed by climate change. 
