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Anthony Burn

Anthony BurnAnthony Burn
Policy and Research Fellow

Anthony Burn is a Policy and Research Fellow at the Center for Climate and Security, where he focuses on satellite technologies, climate change and state stability. He also serves as a consultant for the International Space Station (ISS), working with intergovernmental institutions and commercial companies to develop and deploy improved technologies for gathering data on the effects of climate change and intensive human resource use, tracking its implications for national and regional security. This builds on previous work seeking to improve the development of satellite-based applications for climate change adaptation and capacity development in North Africa. Previously Head of Space at ADS Group, he provided cross-sector support to the Group’s Civil Aerospace, Security and Defense Divisions, ensuring commercial growth for its members, while also exploring adaptation to climate change and its implications for regional security. His work at ADS also included a secondment to the Aerospace Industries of America, where he worked on military and commercial aviation pathfinders for alternative biofuels, on the basis of improving energy security. He is also providing research into the effectiveness of space technologies for monitoring natural and humanitarian disasters – in line with the requirements of the United Nations SPIDER Program.